One last thing 28th, March 2012

Promise, we won't bug you anymore with this game.
Our historical party-racing game was recently released on Android.
Now you can get back to a normal life *WINK*.
Steve Jobs is gone but... 2nd, February 2012

...Mad Tracks is born again.
We've worked very hard with our friends at Namco and here is the result.
Bonus: for the first time our game is FREE.
Bonus²: a party game on your iPhone you can play multiplayer ONLINE!
Have fun and see you soon.
Koln 18th, August 2011

One more Games Com for us in Cologne. Let me tell you, this is turning to be one big event.
If you like large sausages, beer and German cosplay kids, this is the place to be.
VACATIONS 20th, July 2011

For all of you out there taking a well deserved vacation, buzz off!
While you will be resting by the pool or tanning on the beach, we'll be working.
The beta of Mad Tracks on iPhone looks great, not sure yet when it will be ready for release.
Bonnes vacances!
Adding features (again) 8th, June 2011

Our latest iOS and Android development is going smooth. Our friends at Namco-Bandai Bucarest just added the virtual money in Mad tracks. This great feature adds so much fun and replayability it's insane. Almost like a new game.
If you're too impatient to grind your points yourself, we'll give you the opportunity to buy them.
Now back to testing!
Cheers all.
Four years. 30th, May 2011

Today, our historical game turned 4 years old on Xbox 360.
We're glad so many people still download our trial version everyday.
We thank you for your curiosity and trust.
Since May 2007, the game was realeased on Wii and we hope to launch it on other platforms in the future.
Happy Birthday Mad tracks!
SNJV hosts the Web Game Conference 19th, May 2011

The SNJV (french developper association) is hosting the Web Game Conference for the first time this year. This annual event puts the spotlight on social and browser based game development.
Load Inc. will be attending.
Namco\'s in the house 12th, April 2011

Namco Bandai Games of America aquired "Mad Tracks" rights to port our best selling game on iPhone, iPad and Android devices. Of course, we're thrilled to go portable and can't wait to play online with fans around the world.
Tom, our lead project manager isn't happy "why did I just get a Win7 phone???". No worries Tom, we'll talk to Microsoft.
Here we go again. 2nd, March 2011

Boy don't you love this time of year when you HAVE to travel to California for BUSINESS?? I was lucky enough to meet with Markus Alexej Persson (who eventually won the IGF). Lucky also to see friends from all over the world and spend some quality time.
Fans 18th, January 2011

Today we received mail from a fan.
We're no Lady Gaga, but we get it occasionaly and we really appreciate it.
Today, Mike pointed out that he loved playing Mad Tracks split screen with 3 of his friends: "My friends and myself really love your game Mad Tracks. It is the only game we ever play on xbox with 4 people playing at once - it makes me sad to see all these systems out that support 4 players on one console but only have games that are multiplayer online so you guys are absolutely brilliant for making a game that is so incredibly fun for heaps of people at one place."
To be honest, when designing the game, we thought that since online multiplayer was not free (you need a gold membership on Xbox) we were going to offer an offline alternative.
Thanks Mike to point it out and thanks for your encouraging message.
What do you know, we even might take this game on other platforms 0_°